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Parental and Family Engagement

The Green Forest School District recognizes that parents play a crucial role in the success of their children at school. We encourage all parents to be full partners in the education of their children.  The school district has developed a parental involvement plan as prescribed by Arkansas law and the rules of the Arkansas Department of Education. The main goal of the plan is to create a caring partnership to support our students. These plans, which are reviewed annually, reflect the district's commitment to build parental involvement through the following components: communicating about school programs and student progress, recruiting family volunteers, involving families with learning activities at home, including families in school-decision-making, assisting families with parenting skills, and collaborating with the community to coordinate resources and services.

Parents can access their student's grades using Home Access Center (HAC) and are welcome to contact staff using school phone numbers or email.  Parents are encouraged to view the Title I Plan located in the parent resource center, media center or on the school website.  Informational packets are distributed during Parent Teacher Conferences each year that includes a copy of the school's parental involvement plan, survey for volunteer interests, recommended roles for parents/teachers/students and school, suggestions of ways parents can become involved in their child's education, parental involvement activities planned for the current school year and information about the system that will be used to allow parents and teachers to communicate.  As funds are available, the district will purchase parenting books, magazines, and other informative materials regarding responsible parenting through the school library, advertise the current selection, and give parents the opportunity to borrow the materials for review.

The school will engage parents in the annual evaluation of the Title I, Part A Program's parental involvement efforts through an annual evaluation using a comprehensive needs assessment filled out by teachers, parents and school staff.  A parent interest survey will be distributed during a parent meeting to obtain information from parents concerning the beneficial activities to support their child academically.  While collecting evidence about satisfaction with the program and the school's efforts to increase parental involvement will be a part of the evaluation, the survey will also collect specific information on the growth in number of parents participating in workshops and meetings; specific needs of parents; effectiveness of specific strategies; and engagement of parents in activities to support student academic growth. 

Parental and Family Engagement Plans [District, High School, Intermediate/Middle School, Elementary]

Parent and Family Engagement Policy [Board Policy 6.11]

Parent Facilitator Information

School Grades Facilitator Contact Info
Elementary K-3 Ronda Ray 870-438-5205
Intermediate/Middle School 4-8 Jessica Maloney 870-438-5129
High School 9-12 Jonie Standlee 870-438-5203


My Child/My Student Tips, Newsletters and Updates from the Arkansas Department of Education


Additional information regarding Parental Involvement may be found on the Green Forest School's home page under Parent Links and the Arkansas Department of Education website by clicking here.